September 2012 | Click links (>>) below to read articles
  • Avoiding The Set-Up by Tim Connor, CSP >>
  • Never Knock The Competition by Bill Lee >>
  • ONE Word Can Kill The Deal by Art Sobczak >>
  • Social Media Can Help You Find New Customers by Roy Chitwood, CSP >>
  • Good News and Bad News about Selling Today by Michael Nick >>
  • Listen While You Work by John Boe >>
  • Sales "Tricks" and Secrets You Should Be Using by Art Sobczak >>


Avoiding The Set-Up!
by Tim Connor, CSP

Words of wisdom for this week.

“Sometimes a scream is better than a thesis.” Emerson

So, what’s the set-up?

I guarantee that you have been set up at least once in your career and I’ll bet you’re getting set up more frequently and don’t even recognize it anymore.

The set-up is when a client or prospect has no intentions of buying from you now or in the near future, but leads you down that lonesome discouraging sales path for any number of reasons or agendas – mostly personal on their part.

Here are a few examples.

1) Your prospect is willing to see you after you inform them of your services and or products. You ask a variety of probing questions and their answers seem logical and that they have a need and a desire to do business (the set up continues). After giving your presentation, various features and benefits, the prospect asks you for a written proposal.

You go to work and due the due diligence in order to provide this. You then meet with them and discuss your proposal and they tell you that they will need to consider it. You ask what their decision process is and they tell you a few weeks.

You call after the allotted time and get a stall. You call again in another week and get another stall. You call yet again and they are in a meeting and you leave a message. They don’t return your call. Get the picture?

Finally you learn that they have decided to renew their contract with their current vendor. Their intention all along? Using you just to test the market and the integrity of their current vendor? Happens all the time. You wasted time, energy and resources for what? The set-up.

2)Your prospect says they are very interested in your products and services. They like what they see and they are going to make a decision soon. They ask you to send additional materials, examples, samples, brochures. You comply. You follow-up and they ask for more evidence, materials etc. You comply.

This process goes on for weeks and you keep complying. Why? I haven’t got a clue.

What can you do to prevent getting caught by the set-up? There hundreds of these scenarios but they usually end the same – the set-up, wasted time, effort, energy, materials and lot’s and lot’s of false hope.

Consider for a moment. When do you think many of these prospects set you up; when you made your first appointment with them, after your initial meeting, after they hear your price or terms, after they talk with references . . . who knows. The question is when did they decide they were not going to do business with you and set you up for whatever reason – after your presentation? After your first follow-up?

All I can tell you is when you get enough of these and finally decide that your time is more valuable than just giving it away on empty promises, you will finally change your approach.

The answer is discovering the prospect’s real intention early in the sales process and the only way to do that is ask enough of the right questions and not proceed one more step down this path until you are confident they are being honest and open about their needs, wants, answers to your questions.

I’ll guarantee if you look back at the times you were set up it’s because you didn’t ask enough of the right questions or you believed some of their answers even though they were suspect.

About The Author:

Tim Connor, CSP World renowned Speaker, Trainer and best selling author of 67 titles, Box 397, Davidson, N.C. 28036 USA, 704-895-1230 (voice) - 704-895-1231 (fax) - (email) - (Website)

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Never Knock The Competition
by Bill Lee

This is one of the very first rules I was taught when I became a salesperson. It's a sales basic. There are many sales basics, but perhaps none as universally recognized as this one. You'd think that everyone would know that to speak disparagingly to a customer or prospect about a competitor is sales suicide. Not to speak of low class.

Yet, I was recently working with a salesperson and right in front of me I overheard him violate this sales rule big time. His exact words were:

"…Don't believe a word that comes out of the mouth of anyone who works for that company. They wouldn't know the truth if it were to stare them right in the face…?"

My jaw dropped. I couldn't believe what I was hearing.

As we enter the final lap of a far-too-long-running presidential campaign, I can't help but think about how living up to this basic rule would affect the image of the two candidates running for the White House. I believe their rhetoric would be far less critical of their respective opponent if they understood how childish they come across to the voting public.

So what do you say when one of your customers or prospects tells you about something negative one of your competitors has said about you or your company? Maybe your customer or prospect is making it up or maybe it's true. Either way you have to respond. The question is: what is the most professional way to respond?

Be Prepared

My answer is to first of all be prepared. Over the course of your career you will have many opportunities to respond to either this precise statement or to one very similar, so you should make sure you are prepared with pretty much the exact words you will use. You certainly shouldn't have to ponder your answer.

My personal rule is to never find yourself scratching your head when you hear a challenge you can anticipate, especially one you know will come at you time and time again over the course of your selling career.

Good Response

XYZ Supply is a tough competitor. We know them well because we compete with them virtually every day. If they weren't reasonably good at what they do, they would be out of business. I can tell you this, though, based on the research I have done I am convinced that when it comes to quality products, top notch customer service and competitive prices, our company is second to none in this market. Let me explain…

I will begin with our delivery services because on time delivery is so important to builders. Superior service is so critical to our company's success that we continuously measure our performance. Our goal is to have the right material on the right job by the time we commit to have it there. Year to date, we have achieved that goal 96.3% of the time. Nothing costs our customers more unrealized profit than when some supplier fails to live up to their delivery commitments. We are extremely proud of our track record.

This is what I consider to be a "class" response. Regardless of what your competitor's salesperson has said about you, you have elevated yourself above the fray. You come across to the customer or prospect as a class act.

But most importantly, such a response puts you on the offensive and off the defensive. Just the confidence you exude from being prepared and not stammering to come up with an answer tends to put you in the driver's seat as you move to the next step.

There are three primary areas to examine as you begin to explain why you believe your company is the superior supplier:

1. Quality

2. Customer Service

3. And don't forget about one factor I am confident none your competitors can offer: they don't have you representing them. Depending on how hard you've worked on your professionalism over the years, this single factor can often be your greatest advantage.

As you discuss each of the above areas, do your best to remember two points:

1. To increase the believability of what you say, put a number to your service claims. Odds give the customer a measurable idea of what to expect. Consider this example:

If the customer were to purchase material from your company, what are the odds that the material will be shipped complete with no back orders?

What are the odds that the prices on your company's invoices will match the prices on the customer's purchase order.

2. When you mention something your company offers, be sure to remind the customer what the benefit is to him or her.
As an example: We visit the job and measure each rough opening before we place a window order with the manufacturer. This extra step assures you that your job won't be delayed several weeks because the windows have to be reordered.

From time to time you may have to deflect negative statements some of your competitors make about you or your company, but true sales professionals will never allow themselves to be sucked into this kind of "contest."

Being prepared with your response will keep you on the offensive and prevent you from having to back peddle.

About The Author:

BILL LEE is a business expert. Starting out in 1965 as a field sales representative and then a sales manager with New York City-based GAF Corporation, he soon became a part owner of one of the fastest growing start-up companies in the US — Builder Marts of America, Inc. (BMA)

Bill and his partners grew BMA from a startup to sales of $640 million in just under 20 years. Bill served as a corporate officer at BMA with general management responsibility for the company’s largest division.

Today, Bill is a sought-after seminar leader and business consultant who works extensively throughout the US and Canada.

He is author of Gross Margin: 26 Factors Affecting Your Bottom Line, now in its third printing.

His most recent book, 30 Ways Managers Shoot Themselves in the Foot was released in October 2005.

Thousands of owners, managers and salespeople read Bill’s award winning ezines and magazine articles on sales and gross margin improvement and best management practices.

Bill is president of Lee Resources, Inc., a Greenville, SC-based consulting, training and publishing organization.

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ONE Word Can Kill The Deal
by Art Sobczak


It would be tough being a presidential candidate.

It's hard enough trying to have our A-game on every call we place and try to avoid saying something stupid... can you imagine having almost every word that comes out of your mouth scrutinized?

There are countless "watchdogs" whose only job is to find a gaffe, or even an intentional statement that can be exploited to ruin the other candidate.

Yes, a single word or phrase here or there, or even the way in which a few words are presented can mean the death of a campaign.

Or for us, the death of a sale, or needlessly giving away profits.

For example, I heard a recording of a call where a rep had the sale in the bag. The soon-to-be-customer, grasping for any last minute throw-in asked the rep,

"How's 'bout you guys pick up the delivery on this?"

I about jumped out of my chair when the rep hemmed and hawed, then said,

"Well, we're really not supposed to do that."
Smelling blood, the customer spotted an opening:

"Really not supposed to, but you do on occasion, right?"

"Uhhh, yeah, sometimes."

"What cases are those?" inquired the customer.

"When we need to get an order."

The customer pounced. "OK. This is one of those situations. I'm a new customer, and this is what you need to get the order. You can explain that to anyone who would have to approve it, right?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

What caused this whole mess?


That's it.


The word, "really."

And the rep's hesitant tone of voice.

When you know you have a deal in hand, and you're faced with a request that is 90%
nonnegotiable, or if you have a position that you feel deep down strongly about, it's imperative that you give the impression that your stance is rock solid.

So what should this rep have said? Easy.

Prospect: "How's 'bout you guys pick up the delivery on this?"

"(sincere tone) Wish I could. (matter of factly) Delivery is just going to be $32 on this order. Which location do you want it shipped to?"

Notice there's no apology for the shipping, like,

"Well, shipping is a part of our cost and if we did it for you, whine, whine..."

It acknowledges the request, feeble as it might be, states a fact, the shipping price, then gets on to the business at hand, deflecting the person's request.

You could even use humor if that is in your nature. Act as if you didn't take the comment seriously, and they'll realize they weren't serious about making it.

Unless you present your convictions and positions with authority, you are inviting people to walk all over you. State your positions with conviction, and you won't have them challenged as often.

Continue having your best week ever!

About the Author:
Art Sobczak, President of Business By Phone Inc., specializes in one area only: working with business-to-business salespeople--both inside and outside--designing and delivering content-rich programs that participants begin showing results from the very next time they get on the phone. Audiences love his "down-to-earth,"entertaining style, and low-pressure, easy-to-use, customer oriented ideas and techniques. He works with thousands of sales reps each year helping them get more businesses by phone. Art provides real world, how-to ideas and techniques that help salespeople use the phone more effectively to prospect, sell, and service, without morale-killing "rejection." Using the phone in sales is only difficult for people who use outdated, salesy, manipulative tactics, or for those who aren't quite sure what to do, or aren't confident in their abilities. Art's audiences always comment how he simplifies the telesales process, making it easily adaptable for anyone with the right attitude.

Contact Info
Art Sobczak
Business By Phone Inc.
13254 Stevens St.
Omaha, NE, 68137

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Social Media Can Help You Find New Customers by Roy Chitwood, CSP

While technology today is more sophisticated than ever, selling remains the same - you've got to find people to sell and sell the people you find.

For sales people who are already using cold calling, email and newsletters as part of their marketing efforts, increasing their presence on social media can help generate leads, improve contact with existing customers and break the ice with new prospects.

Prospecting is a cornerstone of selling, yet it's also one of the biggest challenges salespeople face. Many sales people dislike it, making it their lowest priority, while others avoid it altogether.

Simply put: If you can't prospect, you can't sell. Making this connection with people is vital to sales success. If you don't have any prospects, you aren't going to have any customers.

The first rule of prospecting is figuring out where your potential customers are. Since nearly everyone today can be found on some form of social networking, it's logical for sales people to establish a presence there.

Social media can greatly improve a salesperson's odds of making a sale by connecting her with a large number of people she might not otherwise have reached.

Not a replacement

Connecting with prospects on a social network doesn't mean that salespeople can abandon all other prospecting activities, however. A salesperson's social network may contain a small handful of viable prospects - and a deluge of "suspects," unqualified leads that will never result in a sale.

Reliance on a Facebook post or a tweet to take the place of more proven prospecting practices such as cold calling is a recipe for disaster. This is why it's critical that salespeople continue all of their current prospecting activities.

The use of social media, in all its various forms, is a powerful tool to add to the salesperson's arsenal, but it requires many such tools to build a solid, lasting sale.

The great thing about social media is that it fits so well within an effective sales methodology. In the Track Selling System, it works with the first step: Approach, where the salesperson introduces himself, gets to know the prospect and establishes rapport.

Creating a presence on sites such as LinkedIn, Twitter and Facebook provides an opportunity for salespeople to introduce themselves to prospects and is a good way to help them build excitement about their product or service.

There's also an opportunity for salespeople to interact with their prospects and current customers and for those individuals to interact with each other. This can be a boon for salespeople, since the more they get people talking, the more they'll learn about what they need.

Relationships on a social network should be handled with professionalism. People buy from people they like, so it's important to be as likable as possible.

It's unrealistic, however, for a salesperson to expect that using social media will guarantee sales. At its core, social media is a venue for building relationships.

"I tell clients to think of Twitter and other forms of social media as a cocktail party," says Angela Daffron of Daffron Marketing. "You don't use a hard sell approach at a cocktail party. You talk and get to know people while allowing them to get to know you. You give back by LISTENING!"

The time crunch

Many busy salespeople feel they don't have time to use social media. Smart salespeople, however, can take advantage of social media by becoming informed and using their time efficiently.

With a bit of research, a salesperson can educate himself about relevant keywords to include in posts so they will pop up on search engines.

Well-placed keywords in a single post can drive traffic from multiple search engines right to the salesperson's blog or website. Salespeople who focus on topics that are important to their prospects will get more mileage out of their posts because readers are more likely to share that content.

Salespeople should understand that while their community is always looking for fresh ideas, it isn't necessary to reinvent the wheel. Repurposing content from their blog or current newsletter, for example, is a great way to create solid, well-written posts while not having to do much more than copying and pasting.

"Salespeople who are the most productive with lead generation through social media make a consistent effort to participate on a frequent basis," says Lee Odden in "How Should Salespeople use Social Media?" "They'll set up a recurring reminder in Outlook to spend 15 minutes each morning to ask and answer questions and collect, aggregate and share useful links." Odden suggests that spending a consistent amount of time on social media activity over a period of several days makes the task of prospecting reasonable and productive.

Be an expert

Prospects may dislike the hard sell, but they love a knowledgeable expert. Social media offers the opportunity for salespeople to position themselves as thought leaders sharing useful and credible information with their network.

Whether the salesperson shares brief nuggets of expert advice on Twitter or photos, graphics and other food for thought on Facebook, internet communities crave helpful, timely information.

Expert information doesn't always have to come from the salesperson. Using a tool like Google Alerts will bring information on topics that interest prospects right to the salesperson's inbox. This keeps a wealth of information coming in and makes it easy to share links to articles and blogs.

Because most social media offer limited opportunity to relay in-depth information, a salesperson may want to establish a blog on his (or his company's) website and provide a link to it. That way he has room to share more lengthy information, and he can include a link in a short post to drive traffic directly to his website.

Social media can help with the most crucial step of the sales process - the approach. It can make prospecting easier and help salespeople build relationships with individuals they might never have otherwise reached.

While it can never replace the tried-and-true tools of a solid prospecting practice, the use of social media can help sales people establish themselves as experts, share helpful information with clients and prospects and build relationships that can lead to greater sales success.

Roy Chitwood is an author, trainer and consultant in sales and sales management and is president of Max Sacks International, Seattle.

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Good News and Bad News about Selling Today by Michael Nick

There is good news and bad news about selling in today’s crazy environment. Did you happen to notice how your job as a sales professional has changed? No? Well let me tell you, it has and selling in the future will force you to continue to change as it has over the past 50 years. You see just a short couple of decades ago you could use the ever popular selling method of, "show up and throw up" and still win the sale. A decade ago you might be able to use something like an ROI and convince someone you will deliver the value and maybe win the sale. But now, selling is entirely different and you have to make some changes in your life (approach, process, skills and training) to compete in today’s selling environment.

Stay with me here, these selling changes are for the good. First the buy cycle has changed significantly in several areas. That means buyers have changed the way they buy...and they didn't tell you. Let me focus on the good news and the bad news so you get both sides of the selling dilemma you might be facing.

  • Bad News: You are now required to know more about the prospect than ever before. Good news is- there is more information out there and it is easy to get. (Internet, Social Media, FOYA Act, etc.) In fact with sales tools like Google Alerts the information will come to you with little or no effort.

  • Bad News: You need to communicate with the C-Suite. Good news is they make decisions. You see strategic buying decisions are typically made in the C-Suite, and if they are involved in the sales process earlier, you have greater access. Besides, why are your selling to someone who can say no, but has no authority to say yes?

  • Bad News: C-Suite speaks a different language. Good news is this language has been around for 50 plus years. It is all about value. Strategic buying decisions are about your product or services economic impact on your prospects financial statements. If you understand this, ALL of your selling efforts will become much easier because people buy when they reach their threshold for pain on an issue.

  • Bad News: Forget about the sales cycle. Good news is, "It is all about the Buying Cycle" and you now know what it is. Change your focus in both your selling and marketing to better understanding how the buyer buys. Specifically, what metrics or economic impacts are important to them? What questions do you need to ask to determine your value and impact? Learn how to read an annual report to determine "if" a prospect can even buy from you. The good news is the information is out there to make you a selling machine.

This morphing of your sales professional's is not always that easy, however the only way to survive this significant change in the buying cycle is to adapt, focus on the new skills required, and work as a single unit with marketing to determine the best selling opportunities and why. Use technology, process, training, and sales tools to give you an edge.

About The Author:

Michael Nick is considered to be one of the foremost authorities in the world on the subject of value estimation selling. Michael’s first book, ROI Selling (Dearborn Publishing ©2004) was a business best seller. In 2010, Simon & Schuster picked up the reprint rights giving ROI Selling another five years of availability in the market.

Over the past 13 years Michael has worked with Companies like, HP, Autodesk, Fiserv, Ingersol Rand, Trane, NEC, Checkfree, Bomgar, Rockwell Automation, Oracle, Great Plains,and more.

Visit him at:

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Listen While You Work
By John Boe

An ancient Chinese proverb reminds us; "To listen well, is as powerful a means of influence as to talk well." While everyone can benefit from this sage advice, these words of wisdom are particularly appropriate for professional salespeople. Would you consider yourself a good listener? Perhaps a more important question might be, how would your customers, business associates, friends and family members rate your listening ability? Their feedback just might surprise you, because most people believe they're much better listeners than they truly are.

Poor listeners frequently confuse the physical act of hearing with the emotional art of listening. While hearing is a function of biology, active listening skills must be acquired and developed. In the selling process, when you talk you merely provide information, but when you genuinely listen you show respect, create trust and develop rapport. Unfortunately, our educational system places emphasis on speaking and writing, but not on listening. For example, I have a good friend with a PhD who speaks three languages fluently, but can't listen worth a hoot. The only way to become a better listener is to mindfully practice "active listening" in all of your daily encounters from the kitchen table to the sales table.

Active listening is making a conscious effort to hear your customer's words as well as to try and understand the total message being sent, both verbally and nonverbally. It requires you to listen not only with your ears, but also with your eyes. It's important to monitor your customer's body language gestures and look for congruency between words, posture, movement and tone of voice.

Are you able to stay focused on your customer or does your mind wander? By giving your customer your full and undivided attention, you're laying a foundation of trust and building rapport. Discipline your mind and put aside distracting thoughts. Each time you catch your mind starting to wander, "grab it" and immediately refocus your attention back to your customer. Show that you're listening by using your body language gestures to convey your attention. A simple smile or nod of the head conveys that you're listening without interrupting your customer's flow of thought.

The best salespeople have a tendency to listen like a homicide detective and ask great probing questions. They don't make assumptions, they summarize and seek clarity. An occasional question or comment to recap what has been said communicates that you understand the message. Until this is done, your customer will resist your input.

Where communication is poor, mistakes increase, relationships breakdown and opportunities to make the sale are missed! If you want to enhance your professional image, strengthen relationships and dramatically improve your sales effectiveness, I encourage you to listen while you work.

John Boe presents a wide variety of motivational and sales-oriented keynotes and seminar programs for sales meetings and conventions. John is a nationally recognized sales trainer and business motivational speaker with an impeccable track record in the meeting industry. To have John speak at your next event, visit or call 937-299-9001. Free Newsletter available on website.

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Sales "Tricks" and Secrets You Should Be Using by Art Sobczak


I'm amused by the articles I see written about salespeople and the secrets and "tricks" that are used to supposedly manipulate people into forking over their money. It's as if we belong to this underground society and have powers that hypnotize helpless customers. If it were that easy a lot more people would be hitting quota.

Actually though, most of these articles have merit, and point out the proven influence and persuasion principles that great salespeople, marketers, negotiators, teachers, parents or anyone in a position of influence uses, or should use.

Let's look at the 10 "tricks" that Matt Brownell warns people about in his Main Street column for MSN Money, and I'll add my comments.

1. Flattery. He points out that a top car salesperson revealed a trick that is guaranteed to work with women: Telling her that the color of a car matches her eyes. Well, as cheesy as that might seem, flattery is proven to work. In his famous book, Influence, Dr. Robert Cialdini did studies where even in situations where someone knew the flattery was bogus, they still felt good about it afterward.

Here's a mild version of it on the phone: Instead of the tired "How are you today?" question, try telling them they sound like they are having a good day.

2. Manufactured Scarcity. The article says, "If you can create the notion that a product or deal is scarce or limited, you create a sense of urgency that will spur the customer to buy." Again, true, and proven. If you have a limited-time offer, closeout items, or anything that will expire, point that out to create urgency.

(By the way, the Early Registration $200-Off for next month's Telesales College workshop in Philadelphia expires this week. Complete details here.)

3. Marking Down the Markup. This is an example I see all the time at my local grocery store. They will mark up the baby back ribs to around $8 a pound, and then hold a "Two for one" sale. This is the one item in the article I consider a ploy, I personally think is insulting and suggest avoiding it.

4. Accessorizing. They use the example of a furniture store taking a core item, like a bed, and surrounding it with items that would be in a bedroom...with the intention of getting you to buy other items. Yes, hello, it's cross-selling, and very effective. And it's not a trick, it's helpful for customers. If someone is buying a tablet computer, perhaps they might want an extra power cord, since people like me tend to leave them in hotel rooms, or just lose them. The best time to increase the size of a sale is when someone is already buying.

5. Making a House Feel Like a Home. The article cites the real estate examples of baking cookies to create a homey aroma, wetting the grass to make it shine, and putting on mood music.

Tricks? Really? If we have something to sell, don't we want to make it as attractive as possible?

6. The Emotional Play. This article actually got a bit absurd in its obviousness as it progressed. This "trick"--are you sitting down--says that salespeople try to appeal to your emotions so that you will emotionally feel good about a possible purchase and have that override any rational objections. Like asking you to buy the car right after the test drive.

Here's another one: a professor of psychology says that nodding your head and smiling helps to get someone to buy. Wow, what a Jedi mind-trick that is! Seriously, of course our job is to get someone to picture themselves already owning, using, and enjoying the results of our products and services. The more skilled you are at this, the more successful you are.

7. Fun With Words and Numbers. Which sounds like a better deal: "buy one, get a second 50% off" or "buy two, get both for 25% off"? The article points out, these mean exactly the same thing. And when salespeople use the word "free" it helps sales. Absolutely.

8. Making You Feel Obligated. They give examples of car dealers or stores giving you cookies or sodas, since "We're kind of prewired to have a sense of reciprocity, and it takes the smallest amount of niceness on the part of a salesperson to make you feel obligated to buy,"

Yes, absolutely. Reciprocity is another proven principle of influence that Cialdini covers in his book. This is especially effective after a first sale, whereby providing extras to a customer can help create a more loyal customer.

9. The Snooty Waiter. While being helpful is usually the way to go, the article points out that high-end establishments get away with acting highbrow in attempts to get you to spend more, such as scoffing at the thought of buying a cheap bottle of wine. In traditional sales this has long been taught as the "takeaway," where you act as if a buyer needs to qualify in order to purchase.

For example, a investment salesperson might say that a certain minimum is required to get into fund. While you don't want to be an arrogant jerk, you should stand behind your price and the value you deliver, since otherwise, they won't.

10. Exclusivity. This is making customers feel like they are members of some exclusive club. Agreed. If part of your value proposition is that you are unique, and especially if you are the top choice in your space, by all means play that up. Know anyone that owns a Harley? You bet, they are members of that club and proud of it.

So, there you have 10 sales "tricks." Actually, for the most part they are sound principles of persuasion that I suggest you research, refine, adapt, and implement to increase your own sales, which is not trickery at all, but helping people buy.

About the Author:
Art Sobczak, President of Business By Phone Inc., specializes in one area only: working with business-to-business salespeople--both inside and outside--designing and delivering content-rich programs that participants begin showing results from the very next time they get on the phone. Audiences love his "down-to-earth,"entertaining style, and low-pressure, easy-to-use, customer oriented ideas and techniques. He works with thousands of sales reps each year helping them get more businesses by phone. Art provides real world, how-to ideas and techniques that help salespeople use the phone more effectively to prospect, sell, and service, without morale-killing "rejection." Using the phone in sales is only difficult for people who use outdated, salesy, manipulative tactics, or for those who aren't quite sure what to do, or aren't confident in their abilities. Art's audiences always comment how he simplifies the telesales process, making it easily adaptable for anyone with the right attitude.

Contact Info
Art Sobczak
Business By Phone Inc.
13254 Stevens St.
Omaha, NE, 68137

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